
consumed, lately

by forces within and without: me. i've been at college for one-point-five weeks, in class for point-five. the bullet journal has kept me out of trouble. by "out of trouble," i mean that i've taken my multivitamin every day, i haven't been late to anything (yet), and i did my laundry before i ran out of clothes. two small victories! and one big one! yes, that last is really an accomplishment, considering that i didn't pack enough clothes.

by me: a few books, more films (rare!), some good food. even more not-so-good food.
  • mission impossible: rogue nation (2015) revels in its own improbability and is the best movie i've seen in theaters this year. argo (2012) is funny, but, being so obsessed with its "based on a true story" schtick, tries too hard to be suspenseful and realistic at the same time. the real cia doesn't operate with that many close scrapes, i hope.
  • good places to eat in university city, vetted by myself and my dad: none yet. the last word isn't a restaurant, but for those who devour books, it's a great enabler; it's the most bookish used-book store i've ever visited. books! books everywhere!
  • sputnik sweetheart (haruki murakami) is fake deep; flow my tears, the policeman said (philip k. dick) is real deep.
also: 1) went to a phillies game, which confirmed every notion i've ever had about baseball. 2) ate a massive slice of pizza at said phillies game, which caused me to reject the notion that everything's bigger in texas. 3) ran across this in an ikea and made it my new best friend. let's have kids make friends with their vegetables so they'll be more likely to eat them! but what cannibalistic assumption does that make about friendship? thankfully, this is not the actual rationale.
"my hope with the collection is to inspire children to explore how plants grow and introduce them to environmental thinking. they will also find it lots of fun to read about the characters, play with them as soft toys, then fall asleep with pictures of them on their pillowcase." -- designer charlotte ramel
i'll take it. three out of the four posters in my room depict star wars characters, and i wear florals all the time (sorry, mom). life's like that. nothing's changed!

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